caro for two 1.0
this game is verry fun to you play withyourfriends.at this version, you can play with your friends by wifi connect.or, now, you can only play with your smartphone and feelitsintelligence
chicken hero 1.0
in game, you need to control your chickenpassto challenges.game have levels from easy to hard.Wish you success
tennis simple 1.0
move touch to control your player run.touch on space area to cick ball tennis.have good time
jianzi 1.0
jianzi, it also is called shuttlecock.it is simple game.how to play : it is very verry easy.you touch any where, your character will move to that.next, if you want kick the shuttlecock ball, press on the buttonatright bottom of screen.the important is : you need to kick the ball when it is movingdownyour character leg!if the ball fell to the ground, you will be fail, and willberidiculed ! ^_^ it is only fun.with each success kick, number of your score will be increaseonescore.play and compare scores with your friends.in this version, your score number is saved at local device.but in the future, your score number will be saved on serverandthat time you can compare your score number with all otherplayeron the world.good time!
pac-xon on bases 1.1.0.tkg.tt_tt.1%
increase your regions as reduce other regions by skills move
climbing the walls of tiny tower withbrokenfence - SUPER CLIMB is a interesting challenge for you, it isoneof most difficult wall climbing games and funnyyou as a tiny man, but climbing is very good.tiny but you have big jump.your leaps as master parkour (other call of free runningparkour),you can see this is as a parkour lab,climb on broken tiny pieces of walls, endless road, from groundtoskythe dollars, ducat are waiting for you all the waygrab them but carefully, unless they are trap make you becomefunnywith the your head,and get on bad scorei hope this tiny game will get you relax times,play and say your feeling about this game
mayhem hustle shoot 1.0
Have you ever you play this game, befor?one play you will like it,with cute graphic 8-bit style,the shooter gameplay with fast, simple, traditional style.Players simply touch on shoot jotic to shoot the ninja,secretagents, mafia or any other objectives that the President hasaskedyou to kill, and to complete the task.New campaign with progressively challenging missions.Challenge levels to test your skills
mayhem shoot gun -2P bluetooth
Our blue guy is getting ready to show off his incredible abilities.
Maro 's World 1.0
this is a chef 's terrible dream,you will face to face with cockroaches, beetles, ...the only way to kill them is to jump over them,there are many levels from easy to hard,play and feel a nightmare of a chef.The first version , the chef can only jump and move, in nexttimeyou can have many new attributes
kungfu & zombie
Good remake of the original arcade hit which came out in the 1980s.
paratrooper vector 1.0
Paratroopers are military parachutists—military personnel trained in parachuting into an operationandusually functioning as part of an airborne force.Militaryparachutists (troops) and parachutes were first used on alargescale during World War II for troop distributionandtransportation. Paratroopers are often used to seizestrategicobjectives such as airfields or bridges.They are used for tactical advantage as they can be insertedintothe battlefield from the air, thereby allowing them tobepositioned in areas not accessible by land. They jump outofairplanes using their parachutes to land safely on the ground.Itis one of the three types of "forced entry" strategictechniquesfor entering a theater of war; the other two are by landand sea.The ability of air assault to enter the battlefield fromanylocation allows paratroopers to evade emplaced fortificationsthatexist to prevent an attack from a specific direction, andthepossible use of paratroopers, forces an army to spreadtheirdefenses to protect other areas which would otherwise be safebygeographical virtue. Another common use for paratroopers istoestablish an airhead for landing other units.This doctrine was first practically applied to warfare bytheItalians and the Soviets. During World War II, however, thetwocountries' ground forces were often overstretched, leavingtheirelite paratroopers to be employed as regular infantry. Thefirstextensive use of paratroopers (Fallschirmjäger) was by theGermansduring World War II and later in the war also by theAmericans andthe British Commonwealth. Owing to the limitedcapacity of cargoaircraft of the period (for example the Ju-52)they rarely, ifever, jumped in groups much larger than 20 from oneaircraft. InEnglish language parlance, this load of paratroopers iscalled a"stick", while any load of soldiers gathered for airmovement isknown as a "chalk". The terms come from the common useof whitechalk on the sides of aircraft and vehicles to mark andupdatenumbers of personnel and equipment being emplaned.[1]In World War II, paratroopers most often used parachutes ofacircular or round design. These parachutes could be steered toasmall degree by pulling on the risers (four straps connectingtheparatrooper's harness to the connectors) and suspension lineswhichattach to the parachute canopy itself. German paratroopers,whoseharnesses had only a single riser attached at the back, couldnotmanipulate their parachutes in such a manner. Today,paratroopersstill use round parachutes, or round parachutesmodified as to bemore fully controlled with toggles. The parachutesare usuallydeployed by a static line. Mobility of the parachutes isoftendeliberately limited to prevent scattering of the troops whenalarge number parachute together. Some military exhibition unitsandspecial forces units use "ram-air" parachutes, which offer ahighdegree of maneuverability and are deployed manually (withoutastatic line) from the desired altitude.
Road Fighter Ferrari 1.0
Most of us like speed, i like feeling drivecaron big road, trees outside.Fancy, you possess a sport car, you are driving it with moveswithlightning speed, interesting a experiences.Play Road Fighter Ferrari, a novelty racing game, no like othercarracing games.HOW TO PLAY? - it is very easy, all necessary operations istouchthe top or touch the bottom of your car to controls yourcar.Road Fighter Ferrari is new style game. Let's overcomechallengesand complete the race!
tank 90 - new style 2.0.1
I very like classic games tank ( retro game with 8 bit graphic).in1990, tank games attractions children best is tank 1990games.obstacle of these games are graphics memory, but also so theyaredifference games. today, they seems like obsolete, but with anewgame play, a new style you will have fresh feel when playgame.thank for reading!
pixel art creator 1.0.2
multi-touch support, you have a powerful pixel -art editor, a 8-bitsprite editor. Allows draw cute images, beautiful 8 bit characters,just only touch on its pixel similar as Paint on computer by mousebut easier - very easy) Currently you can use : - primitive:pencil, bucket, eraser - tools - color palettes - 32 bit colorswith alpha channel - zoom in, zoom out, move - multi-touch (zoom,line, pencil) - easy to share your artwork
8-bit started many other amazing classic game franchises
3d pixel art creator
This pixel art editor is the great tool to create your own 3D pixelart